Welcome to the Community & Youth Music Library, a very large collection of vocal scores and instrumental parts, from which, for a small hire charge, you can borrow music for your choir or orchestra.
We lend sets of scores to schools, choirs, amateur orchestras and opera groups throughout the UK.
The sections of the Library that are used most are about 600 multiple-copy sets of major choral and stage works and 750 sets of orchestral parts. Together these cover a very large part of the standard orchestral and choral classical music repertoire. We also hold large stocks of part-songs and other smaller choral works.

We’re located at the London Borough of Haringey’s Hornsey Library, but the scores are usually sent by post.
You can browse our catalogues of choral and orchestral music on this website. Or you can contact us by telephone (020 3602 5214) or, better still, as emails receive attention throughout the week, email cymlibrary@gmail.com and tell us what you’re looking for.
The CYM Library is funded entirely by hire income and occasional charitable grants. We welcome help by means of donations of music, voluntary work, and providing or sourcing extra funding.
You can make a one-off or regular donation securely here or get in touch with us about other ways to support us.